Indeed, for historical reasons African Americans have a different public and political opinion than whites. People of African descent have historically suffered economic, social, cultural and political discrimination and relegation since the abolition of slavery after the Civil War, generally obtaining less recognition and benefits from the government than the white majority in the country. For this reason, African Americans have evolved in their thinking towards positions of progressive tint, supporting mostly the Democratic Party and the liberal, inclusive and less conservative ideologies.
Mathematics - Vedic literature is replete with concepts of zero, the techniques of algebra and algorithm, square root and cube root. Arguably, the origins of Calculus lie in India 300 years before Leibnitz and Newton.
Astronomy - Rig Veda (2000 BC) refers to astronomy.
Physics - Concepts of atom and theory of relativity were explicitly stated by an Indian Philosopher around 600 BC.
Chemistry - Principles of chemistry did not remain abstract but also found expression in distillation of perfumes, aromatic liquids, manufacturing of dyes and pigments, and extraction of sugar.
Medical science & surgery - Around 800 BC, first compendium on medicine and surgery was complied in ancient India.
Mechanical & production technology - Greek historians have testified to smelting of certain metals in India in the 4th century BC.
Civil engineering & architecture - The discovery of urban settlements of Mohenjodaro and Harappa indicate existence of civil engineering & architecture, which blossomed to a highly precise science of civil engineering and architecture and found expression in innumerable monuments of ancient India.
Shipbuilding & navigation - Sanskrit and Pali texts have several references to maritime activity by ancient Indians.Sports & games - Ancient India is the birth place of chess, ludo, snakes and ladders and playing cards.
U times x times four then u get. eight x minus and then u multiply four times seven and u get 8x- 28 that is your answer unless u know what x is then u just multiply 8 times x then subtract 28
It is essential for the welfare of this country.
He thought that overseas expansion was in the best interest of America.
The second one is the middle colonies also known as the melting pot. The third one is fishing