Article I of the US Constitution puts this power in the hands of each State's legislature.
If you are interested in this topic, there is a fascinating development in this occurring in the Second Congressional District of Maine, which has adopted Ranked Choice Voting to determine its representatives. The loser of this year's election just sued in Federal Court to invalidate this as a way to hold an election.
The local leader who commanded most Samurai armies was known as a Shogun, and was the official military leader under a Shogunate when Japan was united and no longer several warring clans.
As slavery became more profitable, slave codes restricting the rights of enslaved people to buy, sell, and produce goods were introduced. In some places, slave tags were required to be worn by enslaved people to prove that they were allowed to participate in certain types of work.
After the war ended, U.S. troops were demobilized and rapidly sent home. One unanticipated and unwanted effect of their return was the emergence of a new strain of influenza that medical professionals had never before encountered.
Locke, Voltaire but all of them helped out