<em>Demography: the investigation of the attributes of human populaces. </em>
<em>Demography: the investigation of the attributes of human populaces. </em><em>Age</em><em>,</em> race, sex, different models incorporate where individuals live, where individuals are going,<em> where individuals are conceived, where individuals pass on. </em>
Check is a flat out number of a populace or statistic occasion <em>happening in a predefined time and spot</em>. - essential enrollment frameworks, authoritative records, a few nations don't have these records, <em>so you should locate an alternate method to get information for example a yearly study.</em>
An effect of the Peloponnese war was that Macedonia invaded Greece.
The Peloponnese war was a war between Sparta and Athens, with Sparta coming out as a victor in it. The lack of political absence of Athens for some time in the region because of the engagement in the war with Sparta gave opportunity the Macedonians to be able to speed up their progress, implement reforms, and rapidly become a force to be reckoned with.
The Macedonians managed to reform their army and strengthen their economy, and for the Hellenic city-states, this was not a good sign. Phillip II of Macedon attacked the Hellenic city-states and defeated them all, causing a huge loss in military personnel. One city-state that saved itself was Sparta, and there are two reasons for it, one is that they were in good relations with the Macedonians and often allied, and the other because it was of interest to any of the two sides to go in war against each other and suffer losses unnecesarilly.
It was caused by a mix of different scenarios. Rome was constantly attacked by Barbarian tribes; they were over-expanded, which made it really hard for them to keep their entire empire under control; they had a lot of economic problems and relied too much on slave labor; and they spent way too much money on their military, just to name a few factors.