In The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle Conan Doyle offers up a tale of goodwill that has a darker flipside. The goodwill sees Sherlock Holmes trying to return a hat and goose lost by someone on Christmas Day, but the story then deals with the theft of a precious stone, the Blue Carbuncle.
If correct, PLEASE MARK BRAINLIEST!</h2><h3>
Answer: A Mr. Prince <u>will be </u>here at 5 o'clock.
Will be indicates that it's future tense and that the action will happen but hasn't yet.
Love and Grief are the main ideas in this story. You must remember that any mother, wherever she is from, and whatever religion she may be, loves her child. A mother does not love her child differently than someone in another culture. It is universal. Not only is it universal, it is eternal. Mother's have an instinct to protect their young.
Hey there!
Correct answer is A: The use of words in ads influences future meaning and usage. Semantics is the linguistic and philosophical study of meaning; therefore, the most complete option would be A.
Hope this helps!
If yes, please, mark brainliest :)
Have a good night.