Here, to find the average rate of change, you would simply divide 270 by 63. And when that is done, you would get a long decimal. 4.285714285714286
And since you obviously can't put in such a long decimal as your answer, you would round it instead. Once rounded, you would end up with 4.29 (because the number after 8 is five, which rounds up, which would turn the 8 to 9.)
Please, see the detailed solution in the attached file.
Use algo como cymath. It’s a calculator and it works very well
One of the unknown angles (let's called it n) has a complement (meaning their sum adds up to 90 degrees) and the other angle is 8 times the unknown angle (8n)
With all this information, you should have the equation:
n + 8n = 90
To solve, combine like terms to get:
9n = 90
Divide by 9 on both sides to isolate the variable n.
n = 10
Now we plug back in to find our angle measurements. The first angle, n, is 10 degrees. The second angle, 8n, is 8 * 10 which is 80; the second angle is 80 degrees.
3 1/4 ÷ 2 = 1.625 or 1 5/8 cups of flour in each bowl.