1. BENEFICIAL : producing a favorable result.
2. DERMATOLOGICAL : having to do branch of medicine concerned with the skin.
3. OSTEOARTHRITIC : having a degenerative bone disease.
4. PATHOLOGICAL : relating to or caused by disease.
5. CREDENTIAL : that which entitles one to confidence, credit, or authority.
6. POLYTHEISTIC : pertaining to the belief in more than one God.
“We have never seen a tornado that big”
"I open the car door and call out to them 45 minutes before it's time to get on the road. I then sit back and watch the X Games/ WWE matches that are surely to unfold as my 7 children and the poor dog eventually make their way to the vehicle. "We'll look at this..." I point out to no one in particular. "They're only 30 seconds past the 45 minute headstart that I gave them." And we're off still later than was planned, of course."
This is just one of the many stories I've told my friends and family as it pertains to being a mother of 7. That's 6 boys and 1 girl. Time nor age make your children move on schedule. LoL
*Start with action or dialogue.
*Ask a question or set of questions.
*Describe the setting so readers can imagine it.
*Give background information that will interest readers.
*Introduce yourself to readers in a surprising way
I hope this helps. This was a state to state road trip my husband and I took with our squad.
1. Who is the protagonist of your novel or short story? Describe the protagonist.
The character's name is August Pullman. He lives in Manhatton, NY. He struggles with Treacher Collins' syndrome, and has been homeschooled his whole life. Now it is time for him to start 5th grade and he has been enrolled in a public school for the first time.
2. Provide a quotation from the text to support your answer.
"I know I'm not an ordinary 10 year old kid. [...] I know ordinary kids don’t get stared at wherever they go." "My name is August, by the way. I won’t describe what I look like. Whatever you’re thinking, it’s probably worse" Next week I start fifth grade. Since I’ve never been to a real school before, I am pretty much totally and completely petrified."