Thoughtcrime is negative or unorthodox thoughts towards Big Brother and/or the Party. Winston is constantly comitting thoughtcrime in 1984. Mainly in his diary, where he constantly insults the government.
The answer to your question is,
Poetry. Die and fly rhyme. :)
-Mabel <3
So far I have d.) Miguel is supportive of Jada. And for the lines it’s E and A because that’s when Miguel is helping out Jada .
The human intellect began to awake, to stretch itself, to go forth and conquer, which hence brought about
the invention of printing.
Here the author mentions that an intellectual awakening was beginning to occur, then directly states that it eventually lead to the invention of printing. Since it was during the beginning of this awakening that the printing press was invented, it is implied by the author in the sentence that the printing press would lead to a greater awakening
Where is the sentence? But tradition normally means something you do all the time like as in a family tradition for example if you and your family goes on a vacation to florida every summer that would be your family tradition <span />