The answer is the British empire grew substantially
Germany's militarization of the Rhineland, annexation of Austria, and aggression against Czechoslovakia, the Stalin-Hitler Pact of 1939, and the German attack on Poland. Like Italy and Japan, German aggression came from a need for resources, a desire to expand or gain back former land, and extreme nationalism.
Samuel de Champlain, (born 1567?, Brouage, France—died December 25, 1635, Quebec, New France [now in Canada]), French explorer, acknowledged founder of the city of Quebec (1608), and consolidator of the French colonies in the New World.
The Cold War was important because it split the world into two rival sides that came into conflict with each other in a number of places around the world. This conflict has left us with, among other things, a huge aresenal of nuclear weapons, particularly in the US and in Russia.