Hrothgar's speech emits values such as peace, friendship, bravery and loyalty.
When interpreting Hrothgar's speech, we can see that he reminds Beowulf of the success for the peace established in his kingdom. He is not blinded by Beowulf, but he is extremely grateful, happy and privileged to meet a warrior so brave and strong, capable of buying a fight from a people that was not his, and winning it. For all these achievements, Hrothgar shows an intense relationship of loyalty between him and Beowulf and the desire that the friendship between them will last and remain alive through the years.
Nymphs are the minor deities that care for nature. The most mentioned 'varieties' are dryads (tree nymphs) and naiads (water nymphs). They are Greek/roman deities, but only minor ones, usually dedicated to a specific tree/body of water. They often mated or served with higher gods or mated with mortals to produce demi-god offspring, e.g. Achilles was the son of a sea nymph, Thetis, and a mortal King.
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Teeth contain a living tissue called dental pulp, enclosed within a hard, outer shell made of enamel and dentin. The dental pulp keeps the teeth alive by providing oxygen, nutrients, and the nerve supply to each tooth.