Speeding up chemical reactions by lowering the activation energy.
Refraction is the bending of a wave when it enters a medium where its speed is different.Refraction is responsible for image formation by lenses and the eye.
Transmission of light is the moving of electromagnetic waves through a material. This transmission can be reduced, or stopped, when light is reflected off the surface or absorbed by the molecules in the material.
Reflection is when light bounces off an object.Light is reflected when there is a mismatch between materials through which the light is travelling.
Diffraction is the slight bending of light. The amount of bending depends on the relative size of the wavelength of light to the size of the opening.
Each organ system performs specific functions for the body, and each organ system is typically studied independently. However, the organ systems also work together to help the body maintain homeostasis.
For example, the cardiovascular, urinary, and lymphatic systems all help the body control water balance. The cardiovascular and lymphatic systems transport fluids throughout the body and help sense both solute and water levels and regulate pressure. If the water level gets too high, the urinary system produces more dilute urine (urine with a higher water content) to help eliminate the excess water. If the water level gets too low, more concentrated urine is produced so that water is conserved. The digestive system also plays a role with variable water absorption. Water can be lost through the integumentary and respiratory systems, but that loss is not directly involved in maintaining body fluids and is usually associated with other homeostatic mechanisms.
Similarly, the cardiovascular, integumentary, respiratory, and muscular systems work together to help the body maintain a stable internal temperature. If body temperature rises, blood vessels in the skin dilate, allowing more blood to flow near the skin’s surface. This allows heat to dissipate through the skin and into the surrounding air. The skin may also produce sweat if the body gets too hot; when the sweat evaporates, it helps to cool the body. Rapid breathing can also help the body eliminate excess heat. Together, these responses to increased body temperature explain why you sweat, pant, and become red in the face when you exercise hard. (Heavy breathing during exercise is also one way the body gets more oxygen to your muscles, and gets rid of the extra carbon dioxide produced by the muscles.)
It would certainly make a difference.
The mass of a planet determines how thick the planets atmosphere would be, if it can even sustain an atmosphere. If all the masses are the same, all of the large planets would not be able to sustain life, while all of the smaller, denser planets still have a chance.
The mass of a planet also affects it’s gravitational pull. If all of the planets had the same mass, they would all have the same gravitational pull, meaning that they would all attract the same amount of asteroids, meteors, and other spacial objects.
Overall, the simulation would certainly be different, for many, many reasons. The above are only two, and if you would like more, just add a comment and I can give you more.