Donne is using both personification and apostrophe in these lines. He is using apostrophe when he speaks to death as though it were a person who could hear it and respond to him. he also personifies death as if it were a person who could feel proud or be "mighty" and "dreadful".
Tell your uncle the following
1.) start with "Dear Uncle," then skip a line indent
2.) tell him what was their (be descriptive)
3.) tell him where you had it (Say a location where it was at)
4.) If you think it done skip a line and put sincerely, your name
5.) Hopefully get a good grade on it
Hope this will help you :)
"Milton assures himself that he must accept his situation."
I've verified that this answer is indeed correct.
'Horse of another color' is the opposite expression from Shakespeare's 'a horse of that color' in the Twelfth Night Act 2 Scene 3 where Maria told Sir Toby Belch that her purpose was indeed a horse of that color which meant that Sir Toby Belch got the same idea as hers. So, 'horse of another color' is an idea different from the other.