The climax of the story takes place when Odysseus, Telemachus and two servants attack and kill all the suitors. At one point Odysseus calls on Athena, wondering how he will be able to bring the suitors to their just punishment.
uhm were are the paragrahs im guessing grabs the attention reader tho orrr im not sure were are the paragraphs .
This soliloquy of Hamlet is taken from Act III scene i of the play where he gave his famous "To be or not to be" speech.
Taken from Act III scene i of the tragedy play "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare, the plot revolves round the revenge plan of the young prince Hamlet against his uncle and step father Claudius. This speech refers to the human attitude towards death and the fear of actually dying, even though we are all destined to die one day.
Right along the lines of his famous "To be or not to be" soliloquy, the speech shows him faltering in his attempts to commit sui cide. But even though he is referring to the universal fear of saying among men, he is also indirectly referring to his own fear or reluctance to actually go forward with his proposed plan. he wants to avenge his father's murder, and get treated right as he should be. He wants to teach his uncle/ step-father/ king Claudius and his mother Queen Gertrude a lesson but he also knows it is risky and will possibly be disastrous for him too. He is rethinking his decision of doing what he had planned, admitting that "<em>the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,....... their currents turn awry, And lose the name of action". </em>
"What is wrong? I will tell you what is wrong. It show no gratitude. It is boastful. I celebrate myself? The best student learns to destroy the teacher?"
Hope this helps