"The Tempest" is considered a revenge tragedy. The usurpation of Prospero's dukedom from Antonio, his own beloved brother, is an indication of his distemper. Words that can create a tone of reproach and melancholy for the past are: "evil nature", falsehood", "perfidious" which are attributed to the dishonest brother. Miranda appears to live in a dream place where corruption and malevolence do not exist. However, Prospero's negative attitue towards Antonio expresses that there is evil in human nature and it can even come from close acquaintances and family.
Dogs can be very crazy sometimes (like my dog) my family made a mistake to training my dog when he was a puppy but when he was older (even thought he wasn't a puppy any more) we taught him not to bite or lick ur face(which I loved but my mom said it was bad). My dog can still be crazy but at least he doesn't bite anymore. Something u should know train ur dog when he or she is a PUPPY it's better.
Srry this probably didn't help u at all:(
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