In the United States, Canada, and Mexico there are birth certificates. There might be others, but I know these for sure.
Hey there! I'm happy to help!
When Moses wanted to escape Egypt with his people God said he would bring a curse among all of the firstborn sons, killing them. However, God promised the Jewish people that if they put lambs blood on their door he would spare <em>those</em> firstborns sons and the angel of death would pass over those homes.
This looks like it could be both A and D, but a covenant and promise isn't an event. So, the answer is A. The final plague in Egypt during the Exodus,
Have a wonderful day! :D
The National Security Agency is the U.S. government's primary eavesdropping agency. It intercepts, decodes, and analyzes foreign communications — such as emails, telephone calls, and other "signals intelligence." The Fort Meade, Md.–based agency, which has an annual budget of about $10 billion and employs some 40,000 people, has long carried out this mission in the shadows. But a series of leaks by former agency contractor Edward Snowden has revealed the stunning scale of its global surveillance operation. It's now known that the NSA scoops up and stores billions of internet communications and cellphone records from the U.S. and around the world every day, which can then be studied by the agency's legion of code breakers, data miners, and counterterrorism specialists. When President Obama receives his daily intelligence briefing, "at least 75 percent" comes from the NSA's cyberspies, said Mike McConnell, director of national intelligence under President George W. Bush.
Hope this helps!!!