There is no connection between a planet's distance from the Sun and its rate of rotation (spin on its own axis or Planetary Rotation Period). While it is true that, generally speaking, the gas giants have higher rotation rates than the earth like planets closer to the Sun, any correlation is only coincidental.
sum it up
The neuron releases chemical messengers. Otherwise, there would be no 'signal transduction' in the postsynaptic cell. So, your answer is B.
Ok so I would start by saying that light has a maximum speed, then explain that because space is so big we measure it's distance in light years and which means how light travels in a year at 186,282 miles per second Put that in perspective my saying If you could travel at the speed of light, you could go around the Earth 7.5 times in one second. Tell them Sunlight takes about 8 minutes 19 seconds to reach the Earth and that it can take millions or more light years for more distance stars light to reach our telescopes .