This statement is true. The point count system aims to alert drivers when they run the risk of being classified as Negligent Operators of Motor Vehicles. You must notify the police right once if your registration card or license plate(s) are taken, misplaced, or damaged.
What is negligent operator treatment system?
The DMV established the Negligent Operator Treatment System (NOTS) as a program to prevent "negligent motor vehicle operators" from operating a vehicle. The NOTS is based on "points" that have been cumulatively given to each license holder in California. To detect irresponsible or careless drivers, points are issued for traffic infractions.
What mechanism is used to rehabilitate chronic violators of driving laws?
California employs a system referred to as NOTS. Negligent Operator Treatment System is referred to as NOTS. What is it: In California, there is a program that is well-known for rehabilitating repeat traffic infraction offenders.
Learn more about Negligent Operator Treatment System: