Vietnam War, a two-decade conflict that pitted a poor and divided Asian nation against the rich and powerful United States.Nearly 3 million Vietnamese were killed and rural and urban areas alike destroyed alongside it's economy.As a result of it's devastated economy and demolished infrastructure a new trend began to take root; <u>Vietnamese nationals to Malaysia, Australia and USA 1975 - present.</u>
Latitude is the angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator, longitude is <span>the angular distance of a place east or west. </span>
Answer: A. Use scientific method to collect data and establish facts
Here are the options for the questions;
A)use the scientific method to collect data and establish facts
B)have the children undergo psychoanalysis
C)interview parents and teachers
D)read Dr. Spock's book Baby and Child Care
Using scientific method would help
Dr. Henderson gain understanding on the subject matter.