A little translation to the last sentence
Before we go, we need to find all the documents that we will need to be able to fly to Chile.
spanish:mientras estaba en Costa Rica compré mangos de un hombre en el lado de una carretera. él era muy agradable, pero él no entendía mi inglés. El mismo día fui a la cascada de la Fontuna y salté de la cabeza. Tuvimos que caminar hasta la cima, pero estaba pavimentada en su mayoría. nos quedamos todo el día y lo pasamos muy bien.
english:while I was in costa rica I bought mangos from a man on the side of a highway. he was very nice, but he did not understand my english. On the same day i went to La Fontuna waterfall and jumped from head. We had to hike to the top, but it was mostly paved. we stayed all day and had a really good time.
b. pidiendo
El señor Huerta is talking about what he and his family used to do.
Los jóvenes estaban:
b. pidiendo.
"Hola Emma" I think that's right