Child labour refers to the exploitation of children through any form of work that deprives children of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular school, and is mentally, physically, socially and morally harmful.
B. As in most traditional plays, the plot of act 1 of Beyond the Horizon is designed to provide exposition and build up the tension of the play.
Option B is correct, as there is exposition of the play’s main themes;
a) The urge to follow one’s dreams
b) The complex father/son relation
c) Husband/wife relation
d) Love triangle of Robert Mayo, Andrew Mayo, and Ruth Atkins.
Act 1 also serves as an exposition to the main internal conflicts of the play among following one’s dreams, desires, and destiny and external conflict between father and son.
Option A is not correct because Act 1 of “Beyond the Horizon” is not just a short prologue, but rising action or exposition of the play.
Option C is not correct, as neither in most traditional plays nor in “Beyond the Horizon” is the main conflict brought to a head.
Option D is not correct because in “Beyond the Horizon” Act 1 is just exposition of the internal and external conflicts of the play - we are nowhere near the resolution of the conflicts.