1. Brian, you need to work hard if you want to keep this job.
2. The old man, spent his days looking out the window, and his nights, sleeping.
3. "If you aren't willing to help", my sister said, "then please wait in the other room."
which class??????????????????
Hi there! So remember don't use this exact sentence, this is only an example.
First let's define hamper, abhor and bigot.
A hamper is basically a item you put clothing in; like a "dirty clothes basket" so you put those clothes into the washer and dryer.
A abhor is someone with a horrible attitude or views; with a hatred.
Someone who's a bigot is someone with a set of views or beliefs who is prejudiced against certain groups. You could say someone who is racist is a bigot.
Now that we know this, let's compose a sentence.
"The hamper stood there full of clothing, as the abhor would argue with the bigot over if the woman or man would be doing the laundry."
Or maybe something like this.
"The hamper stood there full of muddy, sopping wet clothes, as the bigot would yell at the abhor for always having a negative view on life because they're disadvantaged by 'one little thing.'"
This ^ could be in reference to race. This is a weird question.
Have a nice day, and good luck!
Both Lord and Lady Capulet deserve absolution. Lord Capulet deserves pardoning because throughout the play he has tried to keep as much peace as he can between the families.