B the warmth from your hands us being transferred
energy transfers from your finger to the ice cube
Although there is no attachment, the best answer would be option B.
DNA replication occurs in opposite directions along a strand of DNA.
The leading strand is replicated continuously in the 5' to 3' direction towards the replication fork.
The lagging strand is replicated discontinuously in the 5' to 3' with segments of DNA known as Okazaki fragments.
C) Interaction increases the survival and reproductive rates of mutualistic species.
A) Mutualism offer more biodiversity to a community.
Biodiversity is the different species living in one environment. Since mutualism is only involving two species, it wouldn't increase the biodiversity of one ecosystem, making it incorrect.
B) Individuals partaking in a mutualistic relationship relationship are more resistant to parasites.
Mutualism is only benefiting two species, not their immunity to diseases and parasites. These two have no correlation with each other, making it incorrect.
D) Mutualistic interaction lessens competition in communities where it is present.
Since mutualism is only benefiting two species, they have no correlation since the relationship doesn't affect the different species in the environment.
E) Mutualistic relationships allow organisms to synthesize and use energy more efficiently.
Although there could be some relationships involving energy transfer between the species, that would sound more like commensalism or even paratsitism if you think about it. However, it is very uncommon and usually energy has no relationship with species relationships, making it incorrect.
Hope this helps! My deepest apologies if I got in incorrect!