X = The President
Y = Congress
The Constitution gave the power of the purse, the nation's checkbook, to Congress. The Founders believed that this separation of powers would protect against monarchy and provide an important check on the executive branch.
The President has the power to propose a budget, who still has considerable agenda-setting power with the federal budget and submits a draft budget to Congress at the beginning of every year.
I hope this helps!
Dude really ? Go have fun instead, tell your parents you love them or maybe go take a nap
The constitution fixed the weakness by allowing the central government centertain powe
Most likey trains and drill power tools
The candidate had to be trained as a scholar and then pass a series of written examinations. The Chinese civil service system, established in 124 B.C.E., required potential officials to be trained as scholars and then pass rigorous examinations to qualify for office.