Can u put the question In english ?
Opcion A
Para atender los impactos negativos de la crisis económica de 1929, América Latina restringió el ingreso de todos los bienes que tradicionalmente se traían del exterior. Esto se hizo para reducir la demanda de la demanda externa restringiendo así las salidas de oro y divisas de América Latina. Practicaron el sistema de tipo de cambio estándar de oro
Sadly, the aaa would probably try to go against it because they would get more money repairing the careless accidents teens got into from driving at a young age. short on time so I can’t rly write a paragraph atm, but they would probably try to convince ppl and perhaps go to the government in an attempt to stop the policy
Ancient Grecian Government
Ancient Greece was the beginning of democracy. In 507 BC Cleisthenes introduced a new form of government and principle which was "rule by the people" and leaders were elected.
This system was divided into three groups: writers of the laws, a council of representatives from each tribe, and courts where citizens argued cases before randomly-selected jurors.
Ancient Roman Government
Roman government went through many changes during its existence including city state, kingdom, republic, and imperial periods. Its main principle was that of "republic" in which leaders were elected and only for a limited time.
Like the Greeks, the Republican Roman government had three separate branches of government but they operated a little bit differently: legislative (makes laws) with the Senate and assemblies, executive (enforces laws) led by two consuls, and judicial (interprets laws) with eight judges.
a).there was no way to foresee that the incident would happen.