Following the paths of others
Making a point of rebellion
Spending time in nature
Taking many interesting walks
This is a poem about love that has been lost and he is sad. I am not sure which of your answers meet this definition of the poem, but he has many interesting walks in life. He just wishes that he could still have that love that is lost. The snow is a symbol for pain and suffering and his heart is aching. It is not just about nature and walking through it, but trying to follow that old path that he cannot follow any longer.
As you walk off the stage filled with pride. You think to yourself " Man, i did great, who knows how jealous those popular girls are!" As you walk towards youre parents, they rush over to you giving you a big hug. "I saw you! You did great out there!" said Mom. "Im proud of you" said Dad. You hug them and said "Can I talk to my friends right quick?" they said yes and you go over to the popular girls. You stalk them for a while waiting for them to say anything about youre amazing preformace! As, you overhear them, you are left in shock... " Have you seen that girl on stage? She was so bad, like HA! She dosent know how to dance for anything!" ( Lets call her... Stacy ) said Stacy. "Yeah! Shes so bad!" said Lucy. You come out from the shadows, and decided to say something back to them for roasting your AMAZING dancing skills. "Too bad you can’t count jumping to conclusions and running your mouth as exercise." said Marice. Stacy was mad, so she wanted to get you back. "Says the person who dont know how to dance!" says stacy. Lucy laughed and thought that was a good roast. "OOF, Lucy I thought I had the flu, but then I realized your fa\ce makes me sick to my stomach. Plus, don’t you get tired of putting make up on two faces every morning?" Lucy didnt have a response, so you went back to stacy to finish her off. Stacy pushes you, and says " Wow, that roast was trash, just like your face!" She said while laughing. "At least my phone battery lasts longer than your relation.ships, acting like a pr1ck doesn’t make yours grow bigger." Said Marcie. Stacy was mad but she backed down with you taking victory. " Whatever, cmon Lucy." You walk back over to your parents, and went home for the day. Remembering every last bit of what happened as you went to bed.
The prounoun "that" is used as a demonstrative pronoun in your sentence because it is used to demonstrate, or indicate something. In your sentence, that indicates which horse is your favorite.
The answer is choice A. "<span>After a tough week of school, Alaina decides to spend the weekend relaxing at home and watching television."
Relaxing and watching television is not a conflict. However, almost losing your job, getting in a plane crash, and relationship issues are all legitimate conflicts.
It is a strange experience, and it confuses him.
in order to be strange it imply that the narrator have not felt this feeling before. furthermore, the feeling of confuse emphasises that it is a new experience for the narrator to the point the narrator is not able to identify the hunger.