Привет! Кто-нибудь читал Криспину крест ведущего? Если да, то может ли кто-нибудь дать мне представление о том, как он изменился в этой истории! Спасибо за ваше время!
Answer:action research
In schools, action research refers to different evaluative , investigative and analytical research which are used to discover a problem or a weakness in an academic system which help eductors to find practical solutions moving forward. The purpose is to improve the Educational system for both teachers and students.
Peolpe in different culture share different attributes and motives.
All cultures are simultaneously very similar yet very different. By this Harry, Triandis meant that people in different cultures share many fundamental human attributes, choices, and motives, yet people in each culture express theses qualities, motives, and attributes in different ways.
For eg, in Indian culture women wears white clothes after the death of the spouse whereas, in western culture, women wear white clothes on the wedding day.
To prepare for a trip, camels would be fattened up for the journey across the desert. Caravans moved at about three miles per hour and it took them 40 days to cross the Sahara Desert. Muslim traders spread Islam throughout Western Africa. Islamic law helped to lower crime rates and also spread the common language of Arabic, thus encouraging trade.