Question 1
Many countries around the world speak French due to a history of colonization by the French.
Question 2
Vous is used often in the singular in formal situations or with unknown adults.
Question 3
The québecois are proud of their French heritage and want to remember their roots.
Question 6
<u>biscuit</u> <em>is related to a French word</em>
Question 7
Question will rise in intonation at the end of the phrase.
Question 8
Belgium was created and reshaped through conflicts between the French and Dutch, which is reflected by the language spoken in its different regions.
Hope this helps ☺☺☺
Bonjour !
D = 1. faire du skate-board
A = 2. faire de la vidéo amateur
B = 3. jouer de la batterie
C = 4. faire de la photo
E = 5. jouer au tennis
Salut !
<em>Qu'est-ce que c'est qu'un panda?</em>
Un panda est un animal.
<em>Or : </em>
Un panda est un mammifère.
Mon frère va en Grèce en juillet.
Et vos enfants?
Nos enfants vont en France en août.