It is in the Texas Blackland Prairies.
Folk culture- the culture traditionally practiced primarily by small, homogenous groups living in isolated rural areas. Popular culture- the culture found in large, heterogeneous societies that share certain habits despite differences in other personal characteristics.
The cell phones and firearms we use are examples of products which makes us as individuals to be influenced by global cities.
The cell phones makes communication easier unlike in the past where the main means of communication was through letter writing. Different phone applications also influences us because we adjust to the latest trends brought up by these global cities.
The firearms were made through technological innovations by these global countries. It’s now common in every country due to its strong influence on others. It makes warfare and self defense easier and more sophisticated.
Distance decay
Distance decay - in simple word it is term used to illustrate that social interaction with distance decrease. it basically distance dominant factor which described the importance of distance on location culture or interaction.
It state that likeness or dislike for any product is dependent on the distance of product from customer.