One solution may be to "lighten" up your work environment. Which is the BEST definition for solution as it is used in this sente
nce from the passage? A) diffusion of liquid B) disentanglement of any intricate problem C) the state of becoming or remaining fluid D) the act of separating the parts of any body
The word solution, like many other words in the English language, can have several meanings. In order for us to know which meaning is the one we should consider, we need to pay attention to the context of the sentence. In this example, the context suggests that there is a problem in the work environment that needs to be resolved. Therefore, the solution in this case would be the disentanglement of an intricate problem.
Answer: Gatsby wanted Daisy to tell Tom that she never loved him, to leave him, and to marry Gatsby in her house in Louiseville. Gatsby can’t believe that Daisy’s daughter is real, because that means Tom and Daisy’s marriage is real.