"MDCs (more developed countries)" produce more of the worlds pollution.
The world's quickest developing economies have ended up being the greatest polluters. China and India, which have seen phenomenal development in the previous decade, have the most abnormal amounts of carbon dioxide discharge.
As countries race ahead to support development and advancement, their reliance on non-renewable energy sources likewise rise.
To help the development, a nation needs to set up more foundation ventures, transport more products, offer of vehicles rises, and all these, thus, increment the fuel request.
The most polluting nations are commonly countries with high populace, greatest industries and production capacities.
In the 16th century, the Catholic Church had a practice of selling indulgences. An indulgence was a payment to the church that paid for you to be exempted from certain sins. Sometimes they could pay for a loved one to spend less time in purgatory. Luthers thesis 82 was aimed at the Pope, asking why the Pope doesnt deliver ALL souls at the same time out of purgatory to relieve their misery. Is he only saving a few souls at a time so that he can get more money for the Catholic Church, thus exposing evil practices of the Catholic Church at that time.
Indentured servants were used instead of african slavery but then was converted after bacons rebellion
Answer: Despite the ruling of the Supreme Court that the Cherokee was a sovereign nation, the forcible removal of the Cherokee was carried out by the state of Georgia. The Cherokee however argued that they had negotiated treaties with the United State federal government that had granted them the rights to these lands. The Supreme Court ruled that the Cherokee were a separate, independent nation with a right to retain their lands. President Jackson did not however enforce the court decision, and the state of Georgia continue the policy of removing them from their own land.
Comparative advantage. It is being able to produce goods by using fewer resources, at a lower opportunity cost, that gives countries a comparative advantage. The gradient of a PPF reflects the opportunity cost of production. Increasing the production of one good means that less of another can be produced.