Without insurance should be 2075 dollars
With insurance is 1,780
May be held liable on the basis of negligent hiring.
Negligent hiring is a clame (legal) made againts an employer, argues that an employer should have known the background of the employee
The persuasive strategies used by advertisers who want you to buy their product can be divided into three categories: pathos, logos, and ethos.
I would say that the work that Benji conducted on the books of the Sanborn Corporation would be classified as a financial audit because she checked their figures, examined their accounting procedures and prepared a report so this would qualify as an audit.
<span>Survival: Keep up with its motto and staying in business without going into bankruptcy, in short surviving the highs and lows of the business terrain, growth: adding value to what's already been achieved and expanding. profits: most share holders only want to hear about profit and not losses so they need to be able to make money , and environmental: they need to make sure that they are in compliance with the obtainable environmental laws and they are contributing positively to it.</span>