Yes? unsure at this point but it possible is a yes
“The typical response to bad behavior is punishment. Restorative justice resolves disciplinary problems in a cooperative and constructive way.” The program is based on respect, responsibility, relationship-building, and relationship-repairing. Schools like OUSD use a three-tiered approach.
Stay informed of the content of Behavior Team meetings • Engage in mediations with students, other staff members, and families • Participate in restorative practices professional development • Use restorative dialogue throughout the school building and expect students to do the same • Maintain a growth mindset that ...
-They wanted to control natural resources.
- gaining command of oil supplies was important
- they wanted to dominate trade routes in the area
Jefferson does not include the right to vote as the "natural rights" of all men. He does say that they have the the right to life, liberty, happiness and equality.