<span>“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”</span>
a. did not have an enjoyable time at the ball.
Jane Austen's novel <em>Northanger Abbey</em> tells the coming-of-age story of Catherine Morland. This novel deals with the theme of the loss of innocence and also depicts the typical Elizabethan society where wealth determines one's status.
Catherine had been invited by the family friend the Allens in Bath, where they had gone to a ball. But not being asked for a dance by anyone, Catherine felt bad and wishes that there was at least someone, anyone to talk to. She even implored on Mrs. Allen to try to find any acquaintance, asking her <em>"are you sure there is nobody you know in all this multitude of people? I think you must know somebody"</em> prompting her to sincerely tell her that she does not know anyone.
When asked by Mr. Allen whether she <em>"had an agreeable ball" </em>to which she replied <em>"Very agreeable indeed"</em> while at the same time <em>"vainly endeavoring to hide a great yawn"</em>. In this scene, the narrator implies that Catherine did not have an enjoyable time at the ball, despite the <em>"multitude of people"</em> who were in attendance.
The roots control the water, sunlight is controlled by the leaves to make photosynthesis, the temperature range is the whole plant, and soil composition is also in the roots.
Yes because it is true ………