plate tectonics is where earths crust separates. into different plates there can be continental plated like continents and ocean plates
An Egyptian pylon can best be described as a massive gateway with sloped sides. The two structures on each side are usually rectangular in size. The first pylon was constructed in ancient Egypt and is believed to be called Philae.
One cycle of the moon phases last for almost around 29 and a half days or 29.5 days .
There are four phases of the moon .
The average number of days between 4 intermediate phases of moon is approximately 7.4 days , however between full , waning/waxing gibbous , waning / waxing crescent,and new moon is around 3.5 days .
The change in the ocean's temperature and salinity happens as we move further to the north and south of the equator. The reason for this is the icebergs and massive ice sheets. Icebergs after separating from the glaciers float in the oceans and start to melt. They provide cold and freshwater, lead to a change in the ocean. Antarctica and Greenland are the providers of the icebergs in the world.