here are some...
Habeas corpus, known as the right to due process, said that free men could only be imprisoned and punished after lawful judgment by a jury of their peers.
Justice could not be sold, denied, or delayed.
Civil lawsuits did not have to be held in the king's court.
Real GDP per capita for the United States is calculated by dividing real GDP by the number of people living in the country.
Between the House and the Senate, the House of Representatives is more reflective of the population of the United States.
The United States House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the United States Congress, the Senate being the upper chamber. Together they comprise the legislature of the United States.
1. Forms of government define how a certain government is set up. There are many different structures to how a form of government operates within its borders. With democracy being the most used today.
2. This form of government exists with its sole monarch or leader with absolute power over their government and people. Usually a king or queen, they are not restricted by any law. A monarchy usually becomes a leader by family.
3. A form of government where a non-elected monarch functions as the head of state within the limits of a constitution. Whereas an absolute monarch can do anything lawfully, a constitutional monarch has limits. Most power is held by a legislature, such as the British parliament.
Hope this helps :)