All arguments were settled in a court room with just white men, and the discussions were kept absolute secret.
The conquest of new lands directly contributed to the economic growth of nations since through territorial expansion new territories were acquired that included within themselves enormous amounts of natural resources.
Thus, for example, the territorial expansion of Spain during the conquest of America allowed the Spanish Empire access to precious metals and different grains that contributed to the economic development of the nation and the well-being of its citizens.
Another example is that of the United States, which after the annexation of California was able to exploit the enormous gold reserves that were in the territory of the State.
The delegates elected George Washington to preside over the Convention. 70 Delegates had been appointed by the original states to attend the Constitutional Convention, but only 55 were able to be there. Rhode Island was the only state to not send any delegates at all.
b.All men are created equal.
Cuz they dont live up to this lie
The Mau Mau uprising convinced the British of the need for reform in Kenya and the wheels were set in motion for the transition to independence.