D. Use money for paper trade.
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Answer: The Founding of the Colonies: One thing to keep in mind is that many of the American colonies were first founded by people trying to escape religious persecution in England. As the British government became more involved in the affairs of colonies, people began to worry that they would once again lose their freedoms.
French and Indian War: The French and Indian War took place between the American colonies and New France. Both sides allied with various Native American tribes. This war lasted from 1754 to 1763. British troops not only helped the colonists to fight the war, but were stationed in the colonies for protection after the war. These troops weren't free and Britain needed money to pay for the troops. The British Parliament decided to tax the American colonies to help pay for the troops.
Taxes, Laws, and More Taxes: Prior to 1764, the British government had pretty much left the colonists alone to govern themselves. In 1764, they began to impose new laws and taxes. They implemented a number of laws including the Sugar Act, Currency Act, Quartering Act, and the Stamp Act. The colonists were not happy with the new taxes. They said they should not have to pay British taxes because they had no representatives in the British Parliament. Their motto became "No Taxation Without Representation."
Growing Unity Among the Colonies: The increased laws punishing the colonies did little to control the colonies as the British had hoped, but actually had the opposite effect. The laws caused the colonies to become more united against the British. Many colonies sent supplies to help Boston during the blockade. Also, more and more colonists throughout the Americas joined up with the Sons of Liberty.
To a large extent, this statement is true. The 1920s was a period in history in which extravagant lifestyles were the norm for the wealthy. People began to engage in mass consumption and consumerism. This led to overspending and to luxurious lifestyles, as the country experienced an economic boom.
This also led to people wanting to become rich quickly by speculating in the stock market. The financial decisions made during this era eventually led to the Wall Street Stock Crash of 1929, which led to the Great Depression of the 1930s.
During the Great Depression, many people lost their jobs, millions became poor and many others relocated to cities to look for work. The Great Depression led to the passage of several acts that promoted social welfare, which were collectively known as the "New Deal."
This form of government originated in Galveston, Texas as a response to the Galveston Hurricane of 1900, mainly for the reason that extra support was needed in certain areas.