The Tyler and Polk administrations
Both administrations strongly supported American westward expansion.
John Tyler pressed for the annexation of Texas as a slave state during his administration (1841-45) and at the end of it, he signed a Texas annexation bill into law, which was admitted as a state in the first year of Polk's presidency.
James K. Polk, who ruled from 1845 to 1849, also supported American expansion to the point he led the U.S. into the Mexican-American War (1846-48) in which the U.S. gained what is today California and much of the present-day Southwest.
not sure what is Hypthosize?
The first sentence:
"Californians care more about the environment than anyone else in the world"
because it is a blatant opinion full of loaded words and a superlative.
to serve their country? to have money? this is a blanket question i can try to answer it if you give me more detail.
i would assume that it would be a open primary
open primary- a primary election in which voters are not required to declare party affiliation