He planned to confront the Russian army in a major battle, which was the kind of battle he usually won. Napoleon's forces head on, the Russians simply kept retreating every time his forces tried to attack. He would would follow the retreating Russians again leading his army deeper into Russia.
Much of the Roman diet, at least the privileged Roman diet, would be familiar to a modern Italian. They ate meat, fish, vegetables, eggs, cheese, grains (also as bread) and legumes. Meat included animals like dormice (an expensive delicacy), hare, snails and boar.
Top it off with bread and a dessert, and that sums up a typical American meal. When I lived in Texas it was BBQ meat, usually beef brisket, pork ribs or chicken with beans and cole slaw. ... The meat is usually smothered roast beef or pork. Sometimes a baked chicken is the centerpiece or a huge meatball.
A.Respect existing colonies but not new attempts to control Latin America.
To buy expensive machinery