The author or The Odyssey, an epic written in 700 B.C., was Homer. (:
Well if she cheats she will probably get caught on some sort of CCTV (camera) if not by some staff. If she doesn't cheer them she will fail and everyone will go 'boo hoo' ( if u get what mean) The main issue is that she will force herself to cheat and waste time getting her cheat notes ready shares she can revise.
L say its B because Mrs. White had some sarcasm in her tone when she said those words.
The role of the state in our lifestyles, most people believe, is the secret to a healthy life. While some should claim that eating whatever we choose is independence of selection Based on the perspective of sight, nevertheless, the function of the state in influencing what we eat is either a forced intrusion or a brazen intervention with the free will of Individuals.
While we receive a strong point for our diets being regulated by the country most evidence indicates that the administration's intervention with our nutrition has demonstrated little if any impact.
And of all the fat individuals in the nation with medical conditions, the most encouraging statement that individuals are in favour with the government regulating what we eat is the most encouraging one.
For decades, the central administration has told citizens what they can and should not bring in their bloodstream. If it's Tran's fat and nicotine, sugar or liquor, refined or sodium, so others believe they know best, politicians and authorities pick stuff off our plate.
i need a bit more explanation
He is a muskrat that helped Rikki by giving him advice during the ongoing battles with Nag and Nagaina. Karait: A small snake that Rikki kills while defending Teddy. Setting of Rikki Tikki Tavi: Where the story takes place. Rikki Tikki Tavi takes place in a bungalow's garden in Colonial India.