Mrs. Hutchinson really wanted to stop being trapped in a world where she couldn't change anything, where the Lottery was something as natural as day or night, and she was already tired of being a woman who always struggled to fit into that society. She didn't want to follow the rules, but she was a rebellious person inside, and perhaps for her the only way to escape was to die. Although she seems abnegated and peaceful, she actually thinks that the Lottery is unfair and even its late the Lotttery's day. Tess Hutchinson wants to end all that, even dying. It is also logical to think that she succeeded.
Why do humans waste time? We all do it. We put off tasks we see as boring or procrastinate to avoid having to complete a task. We waste time by over thinking about situations when they require a split second decision. But is this really wasting time? Some situations require a little over thinking so could it be deemed un-nescassary to ponder over other options. You could save money, time and effort by just wondering about a simple 'what if?'. This brings up the question - is wasting time really a waste?
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Most civilizations that thrived for long periods of times expanded into surrounding territories.