Take out "which is the largest country in Africa" , after Tripoli , after million change to "twice as large as Brooklyn" Take out Later change "much affect" to "a large affect" change rebuilt to rebuild not "the" North Africa capitalize Red Sea comma between barren and Rocky change to ", the most prominent being the Sahara desert" not mad-made, man-made highest *point change to "affect Libya's climate" comma after winters take out "unlike NYC" comma between month and while change taken over to overpowered Change "it still continues today" to "he is still in power today. no comma before since take out "up" in partnered up head *of government take out"meaning the colors" change events to aspects "is what Libyans say"-change to "is a phrase common among Libyans" no semicolon in this holiday to on this holiday take out everything in the sport paragraph before "soccer is the most admired *sport* in Libya' change to "women's clothing rules are as follows:" see-through