because I will to try to avoid predestined conflict with some resolution
Answer: See Explanation
1. Sam (used to) live in Liverpool. Now, he lives in Glasgow.
2. We (didn't use to) have an internet connection but we do now.
3. Did you used to watch DVDs when you were younger?
4. Pete never used to eat fruit, but he does now.
5. I didn't use to have a laptop but now I can't do without it.
6. My dad used to grow his hair long but now, he has short hair.
7. Sally didn't use to wear glasses but she needs them now.
<span>A central or a main idea is an idea around which your entire paper or essay or paragraph or whatever it is you're writing, revolves. You have a central idea that you're trying to convey and everything you write or say somehow relates to that idea and proves a point that you're trying to make.</span>
Answer: [M] [T] Mary said she was going to dance all night. [M] [T] She believed him when he said he loved her. [M] [T] She said nothing that would make him angry. [M] [T] He said he would write to me, but he hasn't.