It is a myth because no one knows anything about it.
Desperate: Eddie
Thoughtful: Megan
Good at baking: Eddie and Megan
Eddie is the one "groaning, sighing, and grumbling" while Megan "offered" to help him.
The text will be written in a first person point of view
"The Goophered Grapevine" is a work by Charles W. Chesnutt. It was first published in 1887.
The frame story in this short story is told by John. The Goophered Grapevine is about the history of ruined plantation in North Carolina. The frame story is about the trip of John and his wife to North Carolina. He goes there to see the grapevine and to pursue a business opportunity there. The embedded story is told by Julius McAdoo, who is the former slave. Both these story's convey's the message told in the story by showing the reader a contrast between the dialects of a North white and a slave.
social disorganization, deviant sub cultural norms, breakdown of informal social controls
There are many factors which lead to an increase in criminal behavior. The most dangerous behavior is behavior which is learned. The children who are exposed to a violent family are analyzed to be more inclined to adopt such behavior. Violence and physical abuse are some of the behaviors which are influenced by the factors of the society. The social environment which exposes the person towards violent behavior is one of the main reason for the increase in criminal behavior.