The role of the bacterial proteins in DNA cleavage is to describe the
sequence of bases present at the sticky ends of the cleaved double
strand of DNA.
The slow rate at which diffusion occurs over large distances.
The point of the experiment has been foiled by the choice to hand water one group and use sprinklers on the other. Whether talking to the plant or not did anything can't be proven because of this. If the student were to try to publish this experiment and the outcomes. Critics would be able to use the unequal treatment in water supply as a reason to discredit his/her experiment and dismiss the claims. When performing an experiment like this it is very important to treat each side as equal as possible.
Mass is conserved in living systems through the processes of photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and the carbon cycle. It is demonstrated in cellular respiration through the process of braking down food to provide energy and releasing carbon dioxide.
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