The correct pairing is:
<em>A)</em><em> Pongo </em><em><u>el detergente</u></em><em> en la lavadora.
<em>B)</em><em> La alfombra está muy sucia. La criada pasa </em><em><u>la aspiradora</u></em><em>.</em>
<em>C)</em><em> Cuando estoy en la cocina, me lavo las manos en </em><em><u>el fregadero</u></em><em>.
<em>D)</em><em> Me lavo en </em><em><u>la bañera</u></em><em>.
<em>E)</em><em> Pongo los platos sucios en </em><em><u>el lavaplatos</u></em><em>.
<em>F)</em><em> Hay </em><em><u>sábanas</u></em><em> limpias en la cama
<em>G)</em><em> Pongo la basura en </em><em><u>el basurero</u></em><em>.
<em>H)</em><em> Uso </em><em><u>el cortacésped</u></em><em> para cortar el césped.
<em>I)</em><em> Preparo la comida en </em><em><u>la cocina</u></em><em>.
<em>J)</em><em> Uso </em><em><u>la secadora</u></em><em> para secar la ropa.</em>
The translation of the sentences is:
A) I put <u>the detergent</u> in the washing machine.
B) The carpet is very dirty. The maid <u>vacuums</u>.
C) When I'm in the kitchen, I wash my hands in <u>the sink</u>.
D) I wash in <u>the bathtub</u>.
E) I put the dirty dishes in <u>the dishwasher</u>.
F) There are clean <u>sheets</u> in the bed
G) I put the garbage in <u>the dump</u>.
H) I use <u>the mower</u> to mow the lawn.
I) I prepare the food in <u>the kitchen</u>.
J) I use <u>the dryer</u> to dry clothes.
Each of the options refers to an appliance used inside a home or things that could be found as <u>sheets, garbage dump, and bathtub</u>, <u>the important thing to match each of these is that you know the function that each one performs:</u> the dishwasher washes the dishes, the vacuum cleaner to clean the carpet, the garbage can to deposit the garbage among others.