C. Although the conclusion restates the main idea of the essay, it's ineffective because it doesn't provide a summary of supporting points.
I hate when I get annoying calls from telemarketers trying to sell me crazy things.
Roberto Clemente
A few days ago my father, now a retired physician, told me of the time in the late 1960s when the perennial All-Star came to his office. Seeking treatment for the back trouble that dogged him for much of his career, Clemente sat among the other patients and patiently waited his turn. It was an ordinary gesture by an extraordinary man, one that made his legend just a bit bigger in my eyes.
Chords that have an equal length are called congruent chords. An interesting property of such chords is that regardless of their position in the circle, they are all an equal distance from the circle's center. The distance is defined as the length of a perpendicular line from a point to a line.