The US costitution makes Supreme Court
The US Constitution establishes the Supreme Court. ... Supreme Court justices hear oral arguments and make decisions on cases granted certiorari. They are usually cases in controversy from lower appeals courts. The court receives between 7,000 and 8,000 petitions each term and hears oral arguments in about 80 cases.
Ancient Rome achieved many great accomplishments that have infl uenced numerous cultures. Elements of Roman law have been adopted by various governments, including the United States. Roman literature, such as the Aeneid, is still read today. This paper will examine the cultural infl uence , is still read today. This paper will examine the cultural influence of the Roman development of the arch, a supporting structure in building construction that could carry a lot of weight
More versions of the same product will be out on the market, some may fail, leaving two or three different brands behind.
The civil rights movement- allowed people to peacefully protest their rights to be free
The Vietnam war- cause a uproar of protest about ending war and epically sending Africans and men
The Rights for Women: JFK made a campaign to give woman the rights they need