Employment plays an important role in economic development by creating jobs and incomes which enable people to lift themselves out of poverty.
Employment plays an important role in economic development by creating jobs and incomes which enable people to lift themselves out of poverty. Increased in earnings of employee also leads to increase in rate of consumer spending which in turn benefits other businesses. This leads to development of economy.
D) Symbolic ethnicity
Ethnicity or ethnic group is defined as people sharing common traditions, values, and beliefs based on the similarity of their history, culture, and nation. Symbolic ethnicity refers to the pride and love one feels for their ethnicity without integrating it into their daily behavior. The term was first used in the United States of America Herbert Gans to denote the nostalgic feeling feels in connection to their ethnicity.
Command. If the government controls nearly all of the economy it leans more towards command
Umm I don’t know if you can laugh. I mean you could be a BOT for all I know...
States with larger populations wanted representation based on population, while smaller states demanded equal representation. The Great Compromise provided something for large states and small states. It called for representation based on population in the House and equal representation in the Senate. The committee said both parts of the compromise must be accepted or both rejected.