C, Both parents have the blue-eyed gene.
Cuando la célula madre se divide varias veces de forma consecutiva y los núcleos se rodean del citoplasma dentro de ella, es una reproducción tipo: <u>esporulación</u>.
En la reproducción asexual, un solo ser origina nuevos individuos iguales entre si e iguales a su progenitor. Este tipo de reproducción es común en ciertos invertebrados, en las bacterias y en los protozoarios. La esporulación es uno de los tipos de reproducción asexual, esta consiste en varias divisiones del núcleo que se envuelve de fragmentos citoplasmáticos, originando muchos descendientes genéricamente idénticos. Dicha reproducción permite la formación de esporas y la liberación de las mismas cuando las paredes de la célula se rompen. Se observa en ciertas especies de protozoarios.
Cross-bridges would form in the absence of an action potential from a motor neuron.
The injected calcium ions would bind to troponin. Troponin would make tropomyosin move away from the myosin-binding sites on actin. The presence of free binding sites on the actin would be followed by the contraction cycle. This would include hydrolysis of ATP to energize myosin heads and binding of these heads to actin to form cross-bridges. Therefore, cross-bridge formation would occur without any action potential if calcium ions are injected directly into the muscle.
Chorionic villus sampling
Chorion is one of the extraembryonic membranes that surround the fetus and the amniotic cavity. The cells present in the chorion have the same genome and chromosomes as present in the fetus. Therefore, some of the chorionic tissues are collected from the chorionic villi. These tissues are then analyzed for any chromosomal abnormality. This process is called chorionic vill sampling. For the purpose, tissue collection can be done by inserting a catheter through the cervix or using a needle through the uterine wall.