“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” [Deuteronomy 31:6]
Answer: Rachel carson's 1962 Silent Spring was ground breaking work in regards to the topic of pesticide.
For years, city-dwellers with little contact with nature or farming communities were reassured that there was no need for worry about these chemicals. But Rachel Carson wrote a book about them in 1962 called "Silent Spring". It proved so controversial that many libraries refused to carry it and major publications would not review it. Nevertheless, enough copies sold so that is became one of the most influential environmental books ever written, selling out its first run of 50,000 copies in 3 months.
As of right now they have a democracy
fasting during the month of Ramadan
Diese politische Karikatur von 1924 zeigt, wir die SPD-Politiker Philipp Scheidemann (vorne mit Dolch) und Matthias Erzberger (dahinter), den Soldaten "in den Rücken fallen". Mit derDolchstoßlegende sollte die Schuld an der Niederlage des Deutschen Reiches im Ersten Weltkrieg auf die Sozialdemokraten abgewälzt werden